It's been a long time since,I've had anything to post. To call poetry a 'Dark Mistress',may be a cliche,but she's certainly an inconsistent/tempremental one. Sometimes the poet might as well hold his penis as his pen,for all the good it will do him. The prose is doing fine,maybe it's sucking the poetry out of me?

Has it run out? Will it come back? have I been rejected from working on short stories and the novels? Am I being fanciful,treating it as a human being with feelings? Isn't poetry like all art about feelings?

Poet quote of the day' He who would not be frustrate of his desire to write a great poem,should first of all BE a poem'John Keats

I need my misanthropy with a punchline as well as a point. No one does it better than Doug Stanhope,so go to www.dougstanhope.com, for an intro to the master.

don't give me your poems.
They're no good to me.

I want your rage,
your anger,
you're desperate foolish love.

Can I hear your sigh,
your laughter;
your warm breath on the back of my neck?

Will I be able to follow,
your tracks on a distant shore,
as you stumble through the Hall of Mirrors?

Do others speak your name,
do their snarl when it's spoken.
Will I hear of you before we meet?

Is the paper stained with blood,
greasy with sweat?
The ink runs,watered by tears.


keep your poems.
You're no good to me!


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Follow the outré exploits of this transcendental vagabond and street bard as he pushes the boundaries of human decency and poetical possibility.
