Take Your Best Shot

I've spent too long,writing to myself with this blog,I've decided it's time to crush my ego,in the forums. Expressing my arrogant insecurities,by opening myself to anonymous comments on the internet. Posting under a nom-de-plume Bragi,you can find me at http://www.everypoet.org/ and http://www.thepoetryforum.co.uk/.

Monday Evening in Tilst
Coming down from
A wine and beer hangover,
I detox
with coffee and poetry.

Smoking tasteless cigarettes,
As cars drive by in the distance.
I'm staying at a mates house,
He's at work and then
will go to his girlfriends.

My drinking partner
has to study for a test
And I have shit to do.

Today's poet quote, 'All a poet can do is warn' Wilfred Owen


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Welcome to Poeta Vagante - the primary conduit to a world of bohemian romantic decadence.

Follow the outré exploits of this transcendental vagabond and street bard as he pushes the boundaries of human decency and poetical possibility.
